First fully decarbonised cement plant in Germany: Heidelberg Materials gets support from the EU Innovation Fund

The EU Innovation Fund, one of the world's largest funding programmes for innovative low-carbon technologies, has selected Heidelberg Materials' pioneering GeZero Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project for Grant Agreement Preparation. As part of the project, a completely new concept and operational design will be implemented in the company's German cement plant in Geseke.
采石场的产品/ July 14, 2023
By Guy Woodford
Heidelberg Materials' cement plant in Geseke, Germany. Pic: Aleksej_Kekse

"With GeZero, we will once again show how Heidelberg Materials' pioneering spirit is paving the way for the decarbonisation of our industry," said Dr Dominik von Achten, CEO of Heidelberg Materials. "We will be the first to realise a full CCS chain for capturing, transporting, and permanently storing all CO2 emissions from an inland location in Germany. I appreciate the support of the EU Innovation Fund, which expresses an important recognition and the required backing from the political side."

GeZero独特的方法将模型解决方案inland sites not near the coast or a waterway. The project includes a transport solution to bridge the gap until the necessary pipeline infrastructure is available and is scaled to capture around 700,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. As the facility also captures emissions from biomass substituting fossil fuels, Geseke will be one of the first European cement plants to produce fully decarbonised cement and clinker.

Construction of the facility will start in 2026, and commissioning is planned for 2029.

"We are eager to get started. GeZero is a true early-mover project for fast and deep decarbonisation in one of the biggest industrial countries globally. With its completely new logistical concept, it adds an important model solution for inland industrial sites to our existing CCUS portfolio," said Dr Nicola Kimm, Chief Sustainability Officer and member of the Managing Board.

除了capture facility, the GeZero project will bring a new 2nd generation oxyfuel kiln combined with CO2 purification, a liquefaction unit, rail loading and interim storage facilities. The electrical energy demand is to be covered exclusively by renewable energies. A new photovoltaic plant on the factory premises will help cover the demand.

Project partner Wintershall Dea will be responsible for permanently storing the CO2. Once captured, it will be transported to Wintershall Dea's distribution hub in Wilhelmshaven. From there, it will be transported via ship/pipeline to offshore storage sites in the North Sea. GeZero will also act as a reception hub for local, smaller CO2 emitters to create further synergies, giving them access to the intermediate storage and rail loading infrastructure.

"This project sets an important milestone for the cement industry and for effective carbon management in Germany. We are now counting on the tailwind of Germany's future Carbon Management Strategy and the regulatory framework to come," said Christian Knell, General Manager Germany of Heidelberg Materials.

The EU Innovation Fund focuses on flagship projects with European value added that can bring significant emission reductions. In response to its third call for large-scale projects, the European Commission received 239 applications. Forty-one projects were selected to prepare a Grant Agreement, including five from the cement and lime sector. The final grant agreement is expected by the end of 2023.

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